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who is Sloane, anyway?

this is the part where I write a short biography of myself as if I was someone else, so I can feel free to throw any and all humility out the window. here goes:

The enigma known as Sloane is perhaps the most promising young director innovating in the Terrafilm Underground today. Born on 19 September 2127, Sloane is well on the way to achieving auteur status before reaching the age of 40.

I dislike this. let's try again:

I'm a director, writer, and cinematographer from Australia. I graduated from the Filmedia in 2149. so far I've had a major role in the production of two shorts and four features, which you can see on my films page. that's all you really need to know.


what are your pronouns?

none. refer to me by name only.

do you have a surname?

yes. it's Muir. it's no secret.

do you have merch?

no. I don't sell anything. make your own if you want it that badly.

will you come to such and such convention?

probably not.

can I interview you for my podcast/zine/video essay/etc?

sure. shoot me an email. I probably won't give you any direct answers, but I'll talk to you.

what's your next project?

you'll see.

what does X element in X film mean/what does your aesthetic represent/are your films satirical/is this all a "bit"?

my art speaks for itself. formulate your own opinion or fuck off.

in the films you and Mikel Shel co-directed, how much creative control did you have?

I had more creative control than Mikel, as he'll confirm. he was boss on set and took care of the practicalities that I hadn't yet mastered. the main reason we co-directed was because I lacked enough experience to direct on my own. if you watch any film Mikel was sole director on, like Words Fail 9 of 10 Agree, you'll see the vast differences in style from either film we co-directed. that's not to say he had no creative input. we co-wrote the script for Good Forsaken God, and he had many valuable creative contributions to the direction of both films. it's just that I had more.

will you ever work with Mikel Shel again?

it doesn't seem likely at this moment.