

Cyril Silver Winters is a livestreamer who rose to prominence in the 2140s for his casual livestreams of various games, most notably antique software from the 21st century. His absurd sense of humor and interactions with chat won him many fans. In the mid-2150s his fame hit its peak, and now his popularity is slowly waning. Although he’d never admit it, he deeply regrets his career choice, but streaming is the only life he knows.


Early Years

Cyril was born in Shreveport. When he was a child, his family moved around a lot. They lived near Vivian in North Louisiana for a time, then in rural South Arkansas, then later in El Dorado. They returned to the Vivian area when he was a teenager, and he considers it his hometown, although he never lived within city limits.

Cyril spent much of his early life in rural areas, so he grew up familiar with the outdoors. He and his three siblings were never bored, always able to find something fun to do outside. When he was young, Cyril didn’t care about video games or the Internet. He was much more interested in sports, fishing, nature, and teaching himself to play piano. He was the last person you might expect to become a famous gamer.


In 2142, Cyril moved away form his family to attend the largest university in Louisiana. It was the first time he’d lived in a major city, and he loved it. College for Cyril was all about meeting and befriending all kinds of fun people and having new and exciting experiences. He was popular, enjoying many social clubs and parties. His studies were somewhat secondary to him, even though he was double majoring and the workload was large. Still, he somehow managed to balance his social life with school and his burgeoning streaming career. He achieved degrees in geography and piano performance in 2146.


During the summer after his first year of university, when Cyril was 18, he began streaming himself playing video games. He was introduced to gaming by his friend and roommate, who was studying game design and game history. She recommended him some lesser-known games from years past, many of which Cyril really enjoyed. He started streaming mostly out of boredom in the lazy summer months. His personality and sense of humor combined with his sometimes comical ineptitude at the games he played were charming to viewers.

Through the rest of his college years, he kept streaming when he had free time, usually once a week. His channel slowly and steadily gained subscribers. After graduation, Cyril didn’t particularly feel like doing anything with his geography degree, and piano gigs were few and far between. So he began streaming full-time. It was nice to have something to do during the day, and he enjoyed the attention he was getting. Soon, his channel was well and truly taking off. In 2147 he introduced a series called Antique Tuesdays, where every Tuesday he would stream a game that was over 100 years old. This proved extremely popular. In 2149, he branched out to IRL content like board game tournaments and sports competitions between him and his friends.

By the early 2150s, Cyril was one of the most famous gaming streamers, but he was unhappy and unfulfilled. In 2151, he came out publicly as a trans man, and his transition made him much happier in his personal life. Still, it was becoming clear to him that he didn’t really enjoy streaming anymore. He thought many times about changing his career, but it seemed to him it was already too late, and all he could do was suck it up and try to appreciate the success he’d found. So instead of a career change, he just moved to a new city and started partying constantly like he was in college again, trying to relive those carefree years before he became famous.

Now, Cyril’s popularity is declining. After all these years, he’s gotten much more competent at gaming, but he’s never allowed himself to actually get good, for fear it would impact his viewership. But that doesn’t seem to be why he doesn’t get as many viewers as he used to. It’s more likely his attitude. He does the same thing over and over and hates it, and although he thinks he’s hiding it well, it’s likely his audience can tell he’s not feeling it anymore. Personally, Cyril could not care less about this. If all his viewers suddenly forgot who he was, and no one he didn’t know ever recognized him in public again, he would be overjoyed.


Cyril is an extreme extrovert who loves nothing more than a good party with good company. When he’s in a good mood, he’s very energetic, friendly, talkative, and optimistic. When he’s in a bad mood, he fakes it until he makes it. He’s not usually the type to mope or whine, although if he’s annoyed by something, he won’t hesitate to complain about it in a jokey way.

People who are not as extroverted as Cyril can find themselves drained by his seemingly unwavering energy, sociability and positivity. Cyril himself isn't great at picking up on this. He’s at 100% almost all the time, and tends to assume everyone else is too, so he doesn’t know when to stop. But apart from this, he’s pretty socially skilled. He tries to get along with people, and he succeeds far more often than not. Cyril is also just a fun person, and he’s not incapable of chilling out when he feels like it. He has lots of friends. He has a lot of people who find him annoying, too, but he doesn’t care about others’ opinions of him unless he respects them.

Honestly, Cyril is a bit too much of a party animal, to the point where it’s unhealthy. Moderation is not in his vocabulary.


Cyril is a man of average height with light cyan skin, a purple beard, and long purple hair which he often wears in a ponytail. His eyes are purple with white irises. He has a large nose, thick eyebrows, and some body hair. He is mainly of Western European ancestry. His body type is slightly heavyset and curvy with both fat and muscle. On his upper right arm, he has a tattoo of a kite in front of a cloud and sun. Cyril’s fashion sense is somewhat femme. He usually dresses in low-cut tank tops with jeans or shorts, and he sometimes wears eyeliner, jewelry, or nail polish. His ears are pierced and he has two cartilage piercings in each.


Roy Edgerton (link)

Cyril was a fan of Roy’s videos for a long time, but they first met in 2158, when Cyril was visiting Chicago. They ran into each other at a party and hit it off, leading to a week spent together making irresponsible decisions, somewhere between a fling and a bender. Once Cyril’s vacation was over, the two kept in touch and occasionally met up. In 2160, Cyril moved to Chicago, and now they hang out more often.

Cyril would consider Roy a friend, one he admires and wishes he was closer to. He looks back fondly on their fling, but he doesn’t know how Roy feels about it. Secretly, he's had a bit of a crush on Roy ever since then, and he’s still hoping that someday they’ll get another chance.


Cyril’s ex-boyfriend, a fellow streamer. Kurt didn’t become popular until after he started gaming with Cyril on stream when they were a couple. After their amicable breakup, they are now bros, and they still stream together sometimes. But their relationship being broadcast to so many people has always put a strain on it. They would both rather just hang out, watch movies, and smoke together instead.


Cyril’s sister, who is two years older than him. He was always the closest with her out of all his siblings. They were best friends for many years. After Cyril got famous, he gradually became distant from his whole family. Now that he’s moved up north, he barely talks to his siblings at all. He talks to Quinn the most, and it’s clear she’s worried about him and wants to be a part of his life again. He dismisses her concerns, although he also misses the close sibling relationship they used to have.


  • Cyril is very much an athlete. His favorite sports are soccer, volleyball, track, and trampoline.
  • A playthrough of the antique game Minecraft was one of his most popular and defining series of streams. He died approximately 2,000 times and never figured out how to beat it.
  • Despite how often he says so, he’s nowhere near “the worst damn gamer on this earth”.
  • He has a Southern accent. (Accents sound different in the future, but you’d know he was from the country.)